رحمة للعالمين ﷺ کے غیر مسلموں سے معاملات قرآن وسیرت طیبہ کی روشنی میں مکالمہ بین المذاہب کے لیے ایک سنگ میل


  • Aziz ur Rehman Saifee Associate Professor and Chairman, Social Science Department, Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Karachi.
  • Farah Naz Akhound Memon Assistant Professor, Premier Govt. Girls College Karachi.
  • Momin Fayyaz Shaikh Lecturer, Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Karachi.


Dialogue among Religion, Dealings with non-Muslim, the Holy Prophet’s dealings with non-Muslim, Rights of non-Muslim in Muslim country.


Dealings of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) with non-Muslim show that Islam is the religion of peace, brotherhood, religious tolerance, independence and humanity. Before the spread of Islam the conversations and dealings of the Holy Prophet with non-Muslims forced them to call him Al-Sadiq and Al-Ameen. Sympathy and tolerance in clandestine and public preaching, the style of letters to non-Muslim empires, the dialogues with non-Muslim delegations in Madani era, the orders given for the safety of their wealth, belongings and their life, the tolerance, forgiveness and prayers for the enemies, the good behavior with the non-Muslim prisoners, even when Muslims got dominance over non-Muslims at the time of the conquest of Makkah, the common pardon given by Holy Prophet (S.A.W) are the true example that Islam preaches peace. The attitude of Sahaba-e-Karam (R.A) and the liberty of rights given to Non-Muslims by them- no religion and no community of the World can give this example. The people responsible for maintaining the peace of the world and brotherhood should see how Muslims are treated all over the world? Muslims had given to non-Muslim permission to practice their religious festivities freely and even to wear any type of clothes. The ban of Hijab in France, the punishment of innocent Dr. Afia Siddiqui, the Egyptian pregnant woman (Marwa Sharbeney) had been mercilessly assassinated and her husband injured by knives in the court of Germany because of Hijab, the discussions going on to restrict the domes of Mosques and Adhan (Call to prayer) in Switzerland, the insult of the Holy Quran by Pope Terry John, of Florida, the disrespect of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) etc are the questions awaiting answers from West and United Nation. Islam promotes of peace, equality and religious freedom. It also invites non-Muslims to come and sit on a platform and discuss these problems for the sake of worldly peace to end the religious hatred and to form true peace in the world.



How to Cite

Saifee, A. ur R., Memon, F. N. A., & Shaikh, M. F. (2018). DEALINGS OF THE HOLY PROPHET WITH NON-MUSLIM A MILESTONE FOR DIALOGUE AMONG RELIGION: رحمة للعالمين ﷺ کے غیر مسلموں سے معاملات قرآن وسیرت طیبہ کی روشنی میں مکالمہ بین المذاہب کے لیے ایک سنگ میل. The International Research Journal of Usooluddin , 2(1), 33-62. Retrieved from

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